Christchurch, New Zealand
Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 18:00 / On call on Weekends

Employment Advice

We provide consulting and advice to both employers and employees, for immigration related employment advice and guidance. We will provide the best information for our client, whether they be employer or employee. Employment and Immigration law can overlap and have different applications that need to be negotiated clearly. We will clarify the aspects that relate to immigration and the requirements of INZ and the Immigration Act 2009 to resolve issues for migrants and employing migrants.

[If you are looking for work, please read our blog posts about working in New Zealand]

For employers hiring migrant worker employees

For employers,  it is important that your business operates in line with the relevant legislation because breaches are treated relatively harshly and tend to be closely monitored recently. You must treat migrant workers fairly and in accordance with statutory requirements, but there are additional requirements for visas as well that go above what is necessary for Kiwi workers. These requirements are not onerous, but are easily overlooked. There is no requirement to treat migrant workers especially different to Kiwi workers in general, so we can help if you have questions about your obligations.

Employees need to be made aware of their rights and obligtions with employment for migrant workers. Although the work visa may be tied to the employer, there are still options available to change employer or bring action against an employer if necessary. While visas are often connected to a specific employer, this is not a 'sponsorship" arrangement and does not give the employer more rights than they would with Kiwi workers.

Employers also need to be mindful that how migrant workers are dealt with can have impacts through various legislation, including Employment, Immigration and Immigration adviser's licensing law. There can be serious penalties for breaching provisions of this legislation, so to protect yourself, it is important to be aware of the differences.

Our services

  • Visa applications and consulting
  • Employer accreditation
  • Employer compliance
  • Advice on employment agreements and statutory requirements with regard to immigration law for agreeements and visa applications
  • Dispute resolution advice with respect to visas, accreditation and so on to calm potential disputes before they arise
  • Variations of conditions for work, starting work with a new employer, changing employers
  • Drawing up or amending employment agreements to fit with immigration requirements

We are here to help both employer and employee to have a positive relationship and avoid problems whcih affect working relations and productivity.  We would rather see employers and migrant employees have a good relationship than being damaged by unnecessary litigation, and the best way for this to happen is for everyone to know and understand their rights and obligations.

Please contact us to learn more